Monday, January 21, 2008

Awesome Breads! - Apple Galaxy at Bread Talk

hehe. I'm glad I managed to try more breads this week. :)

Well - everytime I walk past Bread Talk Silver located at the basement of Paragon Shopping Centre, I'd make it a point to step in, just to take in the fragrant smell of the newly-baked breads, and entice myself with the myriad of varieties available out there. This outlet sells breads different from its regular outlets, infusing a mix of unique ingredients to cater to the taste buds of their patrons!

Apple Galaxy

I saw picked up the Apple Galaxy - what can possibly go wrong with anythng apple? It is similar to the Applewerm available at the regular Breadtalk, just this is without the sugar coating. It is also "designed" to look like a galaxy, with rich caramel-brown swirls encircling this round-shaped bread, topping off with a star-shaped apple slice.

Its fillings are obviously apples, but they added some extra flavour with the use of raisins. The end result - a delicious yet wholesome bread that I believe will become a favourite with the young and old alike.

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