caught it today - supposed to premierer on 8th March, but theres sneaks preview.
TIP! Cathay Cinemas have discounts for UOB credit card members - only $8 bucks on weekends, and $6 on weekdays!
for HSBC - you get your bonus too at Golden Village cinemas.. $1 off your tickets. If you watch on weekends, combine your Safra card (if you have) with your HSBC and your tickets are only worth $7 each! hehe
thats how i save money on my movie tickets.
ANYWAY! The Waterhorse - it was supposed to be the next greatest film of its kind since E.T, and i saw the posters about cinemas - definitely had to catch it.
went in to the show without any inkling of what the movie is about - just knew its about a cute little animal which i suppose is the Waterhorse - well..... its more than that. :)
in a very brief summary! ( for those who hates spoilers ) --- it is a movie following the legendary myth of the Loch Ness Monster - period is based during 2nd World War - about this little boy Angus who found an egg at the seaside and brought it back. little did he know it will hatch into an animal that is known as a Water Horse.
What follows is a magical tale of how the little boy made friends with this adorable animal - seeing it grow from a little baby to a HUGE animal! You see how Angus relied on Crusoe ( the Water Horse ) for company, and Crusoe on Angus for friendship - they're both lonely people as Angus has lost his father in war, and Crusoe being a magical creature is only one of a kind in the world. Their close friendship and bond is so heartwarming. Intermitten in the show are hilarious snapshots of comedy scenes created by this creature when its young.
Underlying themes of this movie showcases love lost ( Angus and his dad who lost his life at war ), and love gained ( Angus with Crusoe, the Water Horse, his mum and his sis ), friendship gained ( Crusoe and Lewis - their handyman ) and the brutality of war.
the ending - i shant say! :) Catch the show and you'd know.
pls check out the website at
pls check out their video blog at
pls watch the movie, its great. :)
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